The Development Layout

Every time we approach, we are only here to provide you with better service

Through the platform, Kollektor combines geographical location with personalized consumer needs, providing users with information on merchants, discounts, and consumer reviews in various fields such as dining, shopping, leisure, entertainment, and lifestyle services anytime, anywhere, and becoming an interactive platform for people's local area. Local Life Service provides Users with service information on local catering, lifestyle services, leisure and entertainment and other businesses in the form of a "network". Through the Local Life Service platform, Users can easily discover local merchants, provides Users with convenient and comprehensive merchant information, while providing free promote channels for offline merchants. The integration from offline merchants to online represents the combination of the traditional and the internet industry. It may seem like a simple platform, but it brings immense convenience to consumers and users. Through our application, users not only enjoy the service but also have the opportunity to earn rewards and coupons. We aim to expand into a comprehensive Local Life Service platform, dedicated to providing various services needed for personal life. We also provide users consumption evaluation, merchant rating, merchant information enquiry and other functions. Kollektor continues to drive the digital transformation of service and product retail, collaborating with partners to deliver high-quality services to consumers. The essence of new retail lies in reshaping the traditional business operation model with the help of cutting-edge technologies such as the digital economy, the Internet and artificial intelligence, changing human consumption habits and promoting consumption upgrading.
